Friday, 27 July 2012

Maternal & Child Health Research Program

Within the R40 MCH Research Program, funding is available in FY 2013 to support approximately six (6) extramural multi-year research projects. The R40 MCH Research Program supports applied research relating to maternal and child health services including services for children with special health care needs, which show promise of substantial contribution to advancement of the current knowledge pool, and when used in States and communities should result in health and health services improvements. Findings from the research supported by the MCH Research Program are expected to have potential for application in health care delivery programs for mothers and children. Research proposals should address critical MCH questions such as public health systems and infrastructure, health disparities, quality of care, and promoting the health of MCH populations, which also support the goals of the Health Resources and Services Administration. The "life course perspective" is currently being integrated into MCHB's strategic directions, and can serve as a helpful frame of reference for study proposals designed to address the critical MCH questions defined by the Bureau. The Maternal and Child Health Bureau periodically reexamines its applied research agenda. In June 2003, the Bureau initiated the process of updating its research agenda by convening a work group to exchange information regarding the current and emerging issues of importance in the field. Members of the work group represented State and Federal agencies, institutions of higher learning and other organizations, who are prominent in the field and whose work has helped to advance the field. Based on the individual recommendations of these individuals, the Bureau developed the MCHB Strategic Research Issues (see Appendix B). The Bureau encourages translational research studies that specifically address issues related to MCHB investments and programs. Addressing one of the four strategic research issues is a review criterion worth up to 10 points in the overall score of an application. Secondary Data Analysis Studies (SDAS) Program Within the R40 MCH Research Program, funding is available in FY 2013 to support approximately ten (10) studies that analyze existing secondary MCH data. 

Amount: $100,000 - $300,000

Date due: September 12, 2012

For more information, click here.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Improving Diet & Physical Activity

This Funding Opportunity will support research pertinent to improving the measurements of diet and physical activity through the development of better instruments, innovative technologies, and/or applications of advanced statistical/analytic techniques. Research proposed in the applications should be aimed at exploring and optimizing innovative combinations of objective and self-report measures of physical activity or dietary intake in both the general population and its diverse subgroups.  Specifically, this funding opportunity is intended to support innovative research focused on assessments of dietary and physical activity patterns and the settings in which such behaviors occur, not on the determinants of these behaviors or on studies of the causal association between environment and behavior. 

Amount: $275,000

Date dueFebruary 16, 2013; October 16, 2013; June 16, 2014; February 16, 2015

For more information, click here.
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